Re: [CH] Pepper Preservation Recipe

Mike S (
Sun, 09 Sep 2001 10:32:55 -0400

No, Bill you want to keep draining the water out.
This is MY first attempt at this, but Pete has been doing
it for over 20 years, with great success.

At 09:22 AM 9/9/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>At 08:27 AM 9/9/01 -0400, you wrote:
>>Store in cool place
>>4. Let sit for 6-7 days draining water out every few days.
>do you refill with water after draining?...i assume you do, but am not sure...
>>5. At the end of 7 days drain crock again and remove plate, or ? and weight.
>>6. Mix 1/3 cider vinegar with 2/3 olive oil (enough to cover peppers), 
>>and garlic cloves or powder, and oregano. Pour mixture into crock and mix 
>>into peppers, and cover. Let sit for a week or so and start enjoying! Be 
>>sure to keep crock covered. You can also pull some out and keep in a jar. 
>sounds going to try sounds like what the mexicans call 
>'chiles en escabeche'...layer some sliced onions and sliced carrots 
>between the chiles for a special treat!...thanks...
>The only real advantage to punk music is that nobody can whistle it.