Hello everyoneI hope you are all fine. Dan you were thinking about the use of peppers and a physically active life style.I lift wieghts and whenever I tweek a muscle I have found a product that really works. It is ; "Menthacin Arthritic Pain relief rub with Menthol and capsaicin " Take heed of the warning about where not to use it. When I put it on the very next time I work up a sweat or shower I can pinpoint the spot I used it . Almost swear I could cook an egg on bare skin. Think I might pass on the nipple rub. However running nekkid around the garden is apealing but I had better do it before the temperature starts to drop up here. Rael ,gotta love that hunger after working out and only heat will satisfy. Will definately try the sauce. Type at ya later Rodney