[CH] solace in the garden

Thu, 13 Sep 2001 20:57:25 EDT

I know I sought solace in the garden when we lost our youngest son, Joshua.  
It was a favorite place of his.  He loved chiles, the hotter the better!  He 
did love them in salses and stir fries and marinades.  I came to cherish the 
healing powers found in the garden.  Planting a seed, watching it sprout, 
nurturing it  to fruitful days gave hope.

With this American tragedy surrounding us I am finding once again the healing 
powers of the garden.  Working in the fresh air, with the open sky above, 
breezes gently brushing my cheek, doves cooing and fluttering by, even the 
naughty squirrels scurrying around hiding nuts in my potted plants all give a 
hope of what tomorrow holds, a renewal of life.  There is always darkness and 
silence in the garden before life is released fresh again.  Renewal 

God Bless America
The Land of the Free


"Who plants the seed beneath the sod, and waits to see, believes in God."