I have placed on my website some photos of the Bowers Chile Festival, held last Saturday, Sept. 10th.: http://www.abarnhart.com/chile/Bowers01/index.htm The weather was ideal, the turnout large, and everyone seem to greatly enjoy the event. Several photos feature the Jalapeņo contest, and particularly Doug, who won the contest for the third year in a row. This year, however, it was a "photo finish", as "Slim" came in a verrry close second. The last photo documents a celebration dinner at the Bowers Hotel with several CH friends, which was most enjoyable, both the food and the friendship. ****** Which leads me, hopefully, to make a point. The tragic events at the WTC and the Pentagon have affected us all, and, unfortunately, have directly effected some members of this list, to whom go my heartfelt sympathy. The tragedies and outright evils so often reported by the media can overwhelm. Events such as these can also bring to light that there are so many good and brave in America. I would like to cite one particular "point of light", out of very many. Chilehead friends. Without this list, I would not have known about hotlucks, or got to meet people of like persuasion. At the first hotluck that I attended everyone was a stranger to me -- however, we quickly got to enjoy each other's company. Since then, several of us have become good friends. In fact, I haven't met the chilehead that I didn't like. I have also had the same warm experience with the "Chili heads" (as in chili cook-offs) I've gotten to know, in particular at the Mason-Dixon pod. Is there something about affection for El Grande that unifies? I'll leave that answer to the philosophers and more eloquent of the list. Andy