> have a friend who wishes to subscribe to chili heads. I have >forgotten, >can someone re-tell me how one might do it. > >---------------------------------------------------------------->-- >Michael A Breaux >AC6FM >mabreaux@earthlink.net >ac6fm@amsat.org > I got hooked up with the following url: http://www.globalgarden.com -- Welcome to the chile-heads mailing list! Please save this message for future reference. Thank you. If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list, send the following command in email to <chile-heads-request@globalgarden.com>: unsubscribe Or you can send mail to <Majordomo@globalgarden.com> with the following command in the body of your email message: unsubscribe chile-heads chili_heads@hwyman.mailshell.com If you ever need to get in contact with the owner of the list, (if you have trouble unsubscribing, or have questions about the list itself) send email to <owner-chile-heads@globalgarden.com> . This is the general rule for most mailing lists when you need to contact a human. Here's the general information for the list you've subscribed to, in case you don't already have it: PLEASE KEEP THIS MESSAGE -- IT CONTAINS INFORMATION YOU WILL NEED IF YOU WANT TO LEAVE THE LIST! hope this helps, Jerry Hatfield Catch discgolf fever _______________________________________________________ The FREE service that prevents junk email http://www.mailshell.com