RE: [CH] Botulism

Alexandra Soltow (
Tue, 18 Sep 2001 21:00:35 -0400

Matt wrote,

>I'm not certain about the exact odor or flavor of "B" because I have never
>eaten any.  I did once open a can of roasted red peppers (store-bought) that
>had a mushroomy, powdery, blue-green growth on the top of it (further
>inspection showed that the can had at some point been penetrated).  Was this

Botulism cannot be detected by flavor, odor, or appearance. It can be
killed by boiling for ten minutes, though. Whatever you had on those
roasted peppers was not botulism (though there may have been some of that
in there, too!), but sounds unaesthetic enough to warrant instant disposal.


Alexandra Soltow


Practice safe eating -- always use condiments.