Re: [CH] Miss Dewi's pepper hornworm

OverFedLongHairedLeapingGnome (
Wed, 3 Oct 2001 07:29:27 -0600

At 9:05 PM -0500 10/2/01, Love2Troll wrote:
>I couldn't access the CH Archives in the Sept 200 timeframe either, 
>so don't know what Byron came up with.  I posed the ID question on a 
>couple of lep sites and the result was a Lime Hawk-moth larva.  I 
>confirmed it at the following site:
>  Even said that it eats birch

actually, that's more correctly identified as a Lime-Mescal Chilehead 
Hawk Moth, aka: Drunkenmo'fo'tequilabitchus Wormyous.  A vicious pest 
indeed as it loves to munch on chile plants as well as get into one's 
tequila stash and cause all sorts of trouble.  I spent many a year in 
contact with such a critter as it would not leave my drunken redneck 
arse alone, constantly haunting me, tempting me, sneaking little sips 
of my mescal (which I knew was happening as there were little wormy 
lip prints on my shot glass) and burrowing into my chiles only to eat 
out all the seeds and membrane, thus dropping the heat of my chiles. 
He called himself Senor Jesus - blasphemous vile little maggot - and 
quite quick on his wormy little non-legs as I'd no sooner leave one 
bar and enter the next to spy him lying quite nonchalantly near the 
booze, often smoking a big stogie like that damned worm in the Alice 
myth.  Relentless in his making my existance miserable.  I eventually 
had to eat him.

Kill them all....or stir fry them with some shredded cabbage, 
mushroom, carrot and mango chutney...


Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles.......

Monk of the TCS
Order of Enlightened Twister