[CH] Save on postage

Russ Spanard (RSpanard@home.com)
Wed, 31 Oct 2001 09:16:18 -0500


Last call for any chile-related trinkets for Miss Dewi and Emile in the
Netherlands.  Andrea and I are leaving Pittsburgh for Amsterdam next Friday, Nov
9th and would be happy to hand deliver any contributions to Dewi's decor.

You too, can revel in the knowledge that an item of your choosing is surrounded
by a collection of capsicum-related colleagues in the exotic nether Lands (sic)
and will be well cared for by none other than the infamous ChileChick, Miss

Seriously, though. Dewi finds it difficult to find much of any chile-related
anything in the Netherlands. If you have anything you'd like to share, send an
email to me and I'll give you our address in Pittsburgh. We'll deliver it for

Russ Spanard

"I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that."
- Hal 9000, 2001: A Space Odyssey