> my bay laurel is hardy in BC... > This tree is in a pot, always has been, always outside, and in the winter > it can get down to minus 15C, and I have had it for about six years, and it > does drop the occasional leaf, but is still going strong. > ... So, > try and get a California bay laurel, and if it will grow in CA and BC it > should grow in Floreeda! Cheers, Doug in BC This sounds suspiciously like Doug's tree is not bay laurel (Laurus nobilis, aka "Grecian bay laurel") but instead California bay tree (Umbellularia californica), a different tree with differently, and much more strongly, flavored leaves, though similar enough that the "Bay Leaves" one big spice company actually sells right there in your local grocery store are dried California bay leaves not Grecian bay laurel. --- Brent