(no subject)

Lori or Andrew Moon (alantolo@ivillage.com)
13 Nov 2001 15:27:46 -0800

>  Haven't ever tried their light, since I don't usually like them.
>Although I can do a Hacker Pschorr (sp?) weiss if it's on tap (it's no
>Dunkel, but in a pinch...).  Franziskaner Dunkel Weiss is probably my
>favorite beer over all; and I even know of one German beer and brat
>place in Northern WI that has it on tap!!!  First time I went there my
>jaw just about hit the floor, ... of course the tap was out of order, so
>that was followed by my forehead hitting the table.  But the next trip
>up all was well.  In fact, to be on topic, there's a pretty decent hot
>shop just a short walk from there.

Where is this place?  I live in Wisconsin and it sounds like a perfect
weekend destination!


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