[CH] Re: OT Brat Ramblin': WUZ: etc.

Jesse [CH] Guadiana (CH1200@home.com)
Fri, 30 Nov 2001 20:57:37 -0600

Hey dere CH-eeseheads, 

How 'boot Klements brats?   W/ onions and not-so-yella mustard... and
top tha ting off with whatever chiles-en-escabeche ya got in stock, to
keep it on topic, eh?  

BTW over-wintering plants are doing MUCH better than last year... TWO
40W fluorescent tubes are better 'n' one...big time.  The plants are
indoors, but I am still harvesting habs and fatali's and so on, and I'm
halfway between Sheboygan and the Open Fields... off to prep seeds for
the mail...

Hasta la lista,
CH #1200