Re: [CH] chile aphorism

VoodooChile (
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 12:09:18 -0700

At 1:23 PM -0500 16.01.02, John Benz Fentner, Jr. wrote:
>VoodooChile wrote:
>>  >Talita's Law:
>>  >
>>  >When the hot sauce drips from the bottom of the burrito as quickly
>>  >as you are pouring it into the top of the burrito, equilibrium is
>>  >attained.
>>  >
>>  >(also applies to tacos)
>>  >
>>  >- A
>>  would this not also apply to the individual, i.e. when you're eating
>>  chiles - salsa and chips, for example - whilst sitting on the throne
>>  and having a religious experience (ROF), equilibrium exists as well?
>>  hmmm...mebbe not...
>>  slightly hazardous as well when that hab salsa drips drips drips...
>I believe that Br'er Rael refers to Sir Issac Newton's Third Law of
>Motion: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." 
>The universality of the law is most easily noted when comparing the
>aforesaid ROF and the launch of the Space Shuttle. When equilibrium is
>established both produce a large mass of brilliant flame, a huge cloud
>of steam and smoke and an ear piercing shriek.
>Been there, done that.


And all this time I thought it was Enlightenment.

<Depression sets in...>

Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles.......