Kimchi is buried to get a low, even temperature for the fermentation. There was a study done relating kimchi fermentation time and temperature and the keeping quality of the final product. (D. -S. Lee & K.-S. Lee Journal of Fermentation & Bioengineering 1993 75 (5) 392-394). Fermentation times were very rapid at room temperature (2 to 3 days at 25°C), but slowed down to well beyond ten days at 8.5°C. Since the earth temperature stabilizes at 12°C (55°F), burying a fermenter below the frost line would give more predictable results. One other result of the Lee & Lee study was that the "shelf life" of the final product was longer when fermented at a lower temperature. A practical application would be to conduct the fermentation in the refrigerator (4 to 5 ° C). It would take two or three weeks, but the pickle quality might remain several months. My room temperature fermentations yield a product with a keeping quality of only 4 weeks, but the best quality is between 1 week and 3 weeks from the start of the fermentation. Of course, if you are in a hurry to try it and you know you will eat it all up in a short time, r. t. is the way to go. George Nelson