The month hasn't gone too well so far. My computer crashed and I lost a bunch of orders. I then did a really stupid thing and drove 7 hours to Las Vegas without stopping and stretching my legs. Jim Campbell listen to this! A week later my left leg started to hurt and I with diagnosed with a "Deep Vein Thrombosis" (blood clot) below the knee. I managed to avoid the hospital but have been confined to bed with my leg sticking up in the air. Needless to say, I haven't filled any seed orders. If you sent one, I should have all of them printed out and ready to process as soon as they let me out of bed. I finally got my notebook computer tied into the network and can answer messages while laying on the couch. One thing I've learned from this is that I will never drive for more than an hour without getting out and stretching my legs. I obviously can't get out when flying, but if you see some guy walking up and down the aisles of your next flight, it's probably me. On a chile related note, our local Super Wallyworld had orange habaneros at $.39/lb. Best to all, Dave Anderson Tough Love Chile Co.