Hi Cameron et al, I still have one surviving plant that came either from seed you sent me or seed purchased from Dave at Tough Love at least three years ago. It's brother/sister died at the start of summer after putting on a good display of early flowers (just started dying at the ends of the branches and within a week or two was gone <sniff>). I planted seed kept from last year's fruit which germinated fast and at almost 100% success rate compared to the seed sourced from the States. I'd guess that was due to it being as fresh as possible. I now have several new first year plants (4 in pots and 2 in the ground). Anyway, this rambling intro was just to indicate that I'm willing to participate in the N & S hemisphere genetic experiment, so count me in. My 'old' plant has only set one fruit so far this Summer due to excessively high temperatures, but this seems to normal behaviour for Rocotos here on the Highveld of South Africa (in my experience). It's flowering away and as temps fall, more fruit will set I'm sure. Whether I'll get anything off the new plants this season is still debateable - we'll see. I will collect seed from the biggest offerings (some last Summer were golf ball sized) and will post to you (or other designated participants) when they are ready. My concern is that by the time my fruit ripens it will be too late for planting in the USA. I could send the seed I have left over from what I collected last Summer - it should still be viable as it's only 5 months since I planted here. I'm not sure how much I have (I'm at work!) but will donate whatever I have to a good cause! Let me have your snail mail addy and I'll forward them ASAP. On a more general note, this has been my best Summer for years in the veggie garden. The other chiles and sweet peppers are producing like crazy (Jals, Red Habs, Serrano, Ancho, New Mex, Cayenne and Thai) and I'm getting the most prolific Tomato crop I've ever seen with some absolute giants (one weighed over 700g/1.5lbs). Cheers from Sue in Sunny SA