Re: Salt: WUZ: Re: [CH] hot chocolate... hotter than usual V8 #502

VoodooChile (
Tue, 5 Mar 2002 00:21:33 -0700

>VoodooChile wrote:
>>  No...but if you make, say, a mango and rum and chile gelato and use
>>  it instead - but only as a tool in ones search for Enlightenment,
>>  mind you! - well, that may be permissible...
>   Perhaps a bit off topic...
>   I saw that they served gelato at Starbucks (or whatever the heck it was
>inside of Barnes and Noble).  Can anyone tell me what exactly is the 
>between this, and other forms of frozen dessert treats.  I wasn't in the mood
>for that sort of thing at the time, though I was curious.

gelato is typically described as being more dense (less air) than ice 
cream.  Also  less fat, less cream, fewer eggs, and no butter (all 
according to Marcella Hazan).

Here is a gelato recipe.  It's the one I was thinking of when I said 
"mango/rum/chile".  Obviously, I've never made this one, but I 
wouldn't because of the boose and am too damned lazy anyway (mainly, 
I don't own an ice cream maker).

Banana Rum Gelato

3/4 to 1 lb ripe bananas
2/3 cup granulated sugar
2/3 cup milk
2 TBSP dark rum
ice cream maker

<1> Peel the bananas, cut them up, put in a food processor, and puree them.
<2> Add the sugar, milk, and rum to the processor bowl and run the 
steel blade for another minute.
<3> Freeze as described on page 610

[HA! says to follow manufacturer's instructions; ready to eat when 
done; if you freeze it, let thaw in fridge for 30 minutes before 

It does not need any tempering when you take it out of the freezer 
because this is a particularly soft gelato.

[HAHA! Who the hell proofed this cookbook??]

[HA! oh, nothing...i just wanted to do another "HA!"....i'm bored and 
should be in bed]

>>  >   "... why do you think I have this ridiculous accent?"
>>  "You don't frighten us, English pig-dogs!  Go and boil your bottoms,
>>  sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you so-called Arthur-king,
>>  you and all your silly English knnnnnigggets.  Thppppppt!"
>   Can you believe I'm married to a woman who didn't really care for this
>film?!?!?!?!?  I think her only comment was that it wasn't quite as bad as
>"Life of Brian"... or something like that.  C'mon!!!

What?? Smack that woman around some! She's dingy! No, I'm joking. 
Surely do not want to offend, her or you.  Maybe she needs to view it 
drunk?  Such a sad tale, indeed.  I'm almost speechless.



"All are lunatics, but he who can analyse his delusions is called a 
philosopher."   -Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914) American writer-