[CH] Story about chileheads for New York Times Magazine

Michael Bowers (mkbowers@wiley.gsm.ucdavis.edu)
Wed, 6 Mar 2002 16:41:05 -0800

This was bounced to me, please reply to Mark, not me (at least if you want to
participate, since I'm not writing the article <grin>).

>I'm writing an article for the New York Times Magazine (the paper's Sunday
>glossy supplement) about people who like to eat extremely hot pepper and
>pepper extracts.
>I would like to interview folks who feel like they're "addicted" to
>capsaicin. Please call or email me if you'd like to be interviewed for the
>Mark Frauenfelder
>About me: I currently write a monthly column about technology for Playboy
>magazine, and have written for The New York Times Magazine,Business 2.0, The
>Industry Standard, and International Design. From 1993 to 1998 I was an
>editor at Wired magazine, and was the founding editor-in-chief of Wired
>Online (www.wired.com).

Mike Bowers				Owner, Chile-Heads list
Chile Heads:  http://chileheads.netimages.com/