[CH] how could you do that to an innocent girl

Alex Silbajoris (asilbajo@hotmail.com)
Mon, 18 Mar 2002 15:06:03

A Girl Scout cookie, that is... specifically, a peanut-butter filled cookie. 
  I have a few of them on hand as morning office snacks (as do probably a 
million other parents right about now) but I also have a bowl of dried whole 
De Arbol peppers in my cubicle.

I'll spare the K-D description of getting the pepper in there.  The taste, 
however, was great!  The moderate heat blended perfectly with the sweet and 
peanut flavors.

I just wonder what snappy name they would give them, if they sold them.  
WaddaFugs?  Oopsies?  Scorch-A-Longs?  P-Nut Blammers?

- A

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