Fellow CHs, The Bowers 2002 Chile Festival is scheduled for Saturday, September 7th. See my webpage for the new flyer: http://www.abarnhart.com/chile/Bowers02/index.htm WILL DOUG BE CROWNED KING for the fourth year in a row??? - You don't know what I'm taking about? See: http://www.abarnhart.com/chile/Bowers01/index.htm or http://www.abarnhart.com/chile/Bowers00/index.htm or http://www.abarnhart.com/chile/Bowers99/index.htm Now, I've heard that there are a few folk in NM that claim they can eat Jalapeņos. But are there any who think they have a chance against Doug in the Jalapeņo chomp? Can't we Yankees entice someone out there from the greater Southwest? Last year "Slim" came within a nibble from 1st place, but he is also from PA. Chip Welsh's booth "Red Lion Spicy Foods" has been the informal Chileheads rendezvous point, right Chip? Hope to see many of you there. By-the-way, while you're there, don't miss Jim Weavers farm, which started this fest. AndyB quark@erols.com