[CH] Need a business that will export Mexican ingredients to Europe

Joan Mes McCutcheon (joan@mccutcheon.com)
Wed, 10 Apr 2002 13:59:38 +0200

Hello guys,

As the title says, I need contact with someone who will export chiles
(dried, powdered, flaked), Achiote Powder, mole powder, masa harina etc.

I am starting up my own business online selling mexican ingredients aiming
at the dutch market and also offering mexican cooking classes.

Can anyone help me procure a supplier?

BTW I got my Tortilla press from www.coolchile.com yesterday - have tried it
but I cannot get the tortillas as thin as I can roll them out. What I had to
do was to put the tortillas in the press as a ball, flatten and then roll
out as normal. The press is made of Cast Iron.

Thanks in advance,

P.S. thanks to all who participated in the debate on whether I could use the
electric tortilla press - flatbread maker
http://www.hamiltonbeach.com/hb/products/flatbread_maker/images/80200.jpg )f
rom the states.  I have decided to leave it just now.