Re: [CH] Best fertilizer procedures for peppers in pots
Sat, 20 Apr 2002 07:49:20 -0500

You'll definitely need one that is balanced and slow released.  The
soils in a pot end up getting washed pretty regularly, given their
porousity.  Think of it like pouring water onto the top of a sponge-
some stays, some goes through, and it dries out shortly.  This has a
tendency to wash out a lot of the nutrients.  If you use a lot of
fertilizer you run the risk of accumulating salts, which can cause
damage.  Drum roll please... in Jamaica... Dave & I saw a lot of this
even though they were in clay.  They fed their nutrients through an
irrigation system which they ran pretty frequently.  Ater a few weeks of
application and evaporation, there were places where the salts build up
was obvious.

-Jim C
Mild to Wild