Re: [CH] eddoes

Brent Thompson (
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 09:50:49 -0700

> In Hawaii they are called "taro," like the page says.  In Puerto Rico, 
> and presumably Cuba and other Caribbean locales, they are called "malanga."
> > Some of you asked what eddoes are. You can see it at:
> >

There must be varieties of Colocasia esculenta (taro, dasheen, eddo/oe,
arbi) which differ greatly in taste and texture (I already know they can
differ in color).  I've had only limited exposure, but all taro/dalo/kalo
I've seen in Pacific (e.g. Polynesia) is big "smooth" "barrel" or sort of
"cylindrical" shaped; that eddoe photo doesn't look like taro.  But it does
look just like the stuff in India they call 'arbi' (as the web page itself

They are apparently the same species, yet arbi (root) has a completely
different taste and texture than taro.  It so happens taro root is perhaps
my favorite starchy food, and arbi (root) is almost certainly my least
favorite so far encountered.  (The leaves of both are yummy, though).  I
wonder if eddoes are like taro, or like arbi?

 ---   Brent