> one. > >As an aside, note that the list is refreshingly spam free :-) >I won't go into public details as to how that is done, but it works so far. Wirks for me, man. Your doings are hugely appreciated... >Please feel free to send me any suggestions or ideas; sending to >owner-chile-heads is the preferred address. > >thanks >Mike I wanna say thanks, Mike. "Thanks, Mike! Mucho grasss!" Over the years I've been on this list and been off and on others, the CH list is by far the best list in existance. Granted, part of this kudos goes to all list members for being tolerant, self-"policing", and generally damn nice folks; but w/o your expert List Management Without Management (Bruce Lee phrase bastardization there), Mike, this list wouldn't be nearly as grand a Home as it is. And it is home to me. I've more friends and aquaintances on this list than I have in real life... ...which may say something about me, hmmm? <g>. Anywho, three cheers for Mike B., baby! And Chileheads are simply the grooviest cats around, dig? GROUP HUG! <Rael sheds clothes> -- Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles....... Rael64 "You mangy Scot's git!" "I'm warning you!" "What's he do, nibble your bum?" - Monty Python and the Holy Grail -