Thank you "green", John Lilly and Brent. Couldn't believe that DeWitt & Bosland could be wrong so went back and reread what they said in "Peppers of the World". Quote: "Some plants may not fruit because of self-incompatibility in the species. To set fruit, pollen must be transfered by bees or humans from a neighboring plant of the same variety." It does say "some plants" and not "all plants". Haven't decided yet on how large a container I'll plant them in. Will use 1 part bagged topsoil, 1 part bagged humus and 1 part ProMix. Soil mix pH is 7.0 Plants will be overwintered near a large south window in my living room. Or maybe they would be better off in a south window in a 60° basement? Any growing info will be appreciated. JohnT