My sister sent me some powders and a Ristra from Ojo Calaente, NM. The ristra is a decorative one, as it appears the chiles were sprayed with some kind of stuff to make them look shiny. Oh well. Anyway, one of the powders she sent was not labeled, and I am not sure exactly what it is. It is roughly ground, medium green and yellow in coloring. I thought at first that it was NM dried green chile, but it tastes and smells more along the lines of Jalapeno. I am pretty adept at knowing what the different red powders look and taste like. You should try my rough ground ceyenne pepper; it is good stuff Maynard! However, I am not real familiar with green chile powders. Does anyone know what I have? What types of green chile are made into powders? Any help here is greatly appreciated. Mark "Mad Dog" Barringer