[CH] Morels, Ramps, and Fiddleheads

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
27 May 02 19:06:22 -0800

 -=> Quoting "Valerie C" to All <=-

 "C> MMMMMmorels... I tried them for the first time last spring when I was
 "C> living  in Missouri. Wonderful stuff! I know they were dipped and
 "C> fried, a little  cayenne pepper in the flour mixture...  Any wild
 "C> 'shroom hunters in the  Northeast? Do morels grow in New England? Or
 "C> are they a midwestern secret?  I've never seen them in the markets....

Their range is throughout most of USA and Canada except the southern
coastal plain and Florida, as far north as the tree line.

But the commercial trade is mostly in the west, where there are large
remote forests.

We have excellent patches around Yellowknife where there was a large
forest fire recently (over 300,000 acres). The next year the mushroom
harvest was phenomenal. Commercial pickers from around the continent
swept in and sent tons to market (mostly restaurant food brokers in
Detroit and Chicago) without collecting 1 of what was available. After
three years the land is regenerating and the morels, fireweed, and jack
pine seedlings have to compete with other new growth, but we are still
getting good harvests.


                                                YK Jim