Re: [CH] Corn Chowder requests

Doug Irvine (
Fri, 07 Jun 2002 09:38:13 -0700

Really simple corn chile chowder	

1	can creamed corn, 16 oz or whatever size you wish
1/2	above can milk, skim, whole, your call
1	4 oz can chopped chiles, or two if large can of corn
1/4	cup of finely chopped onion
1/4	tsp cumin

Simmer the onion in a couple of tablspoons of milk, until it is translucent, add the can of corn and the chiles and the rest of the milk. Let this
simmer, add the cumin, stir around and taste for seasoning. I always add more chiles, and some chile powder, Jim Campbell's smoked hab powder gives an
interesting flavor & a LOT more heat! Go sparingly if you go that route! Enjoy, Cheers, Doug in BC