[CH] OT - Southern Zodiac

Alex Silbajoris (asilbajo@hotmail.com)
Thu, 13 Jun 2002 14:34:48 +0000

This is out there in several forms.  I'm a butter bean.


Dec. 22-Jan. 20 OKRA

Although you appear crude, you are actually very slick on the inside. Okras 
have tremendous influence on our movements. Able to function equally well in 
a pickle or a stew, okras are versatile. You are at home as the uncommon 
hors d'oeuvre on the party platter of life or they can get down with the 
meat and potatoes into the bowls of the matter. An older okra can look back 
on his/her life and see the seeds of his/her influence everywhere. Stay away 
from Moon Pies.

Jan. 21-Feb. 19 HUSH PUPPIES

Hush puppies have a no-frills, just-the-basics approach to life which can 
make you seem introverted. In fact you often are uncomfortable talking about 
their common origins. A hush puppy can, however, be quite comfortable with 
others when properly motivated and seasoned. When dealing with hush puppies, 
be very careful--they can burn you while they are hot! In relationships, you 
get along best with catfish okra, grits and crawfish.

Feb. 20-Mar. 20 CHIGGERS

Chiggers have an uncommon curiosity and the natural ability to dig beneath 
the surface. To you, beauty is more than skin deep. You are intense and 
driven, as if you had some inner hunger. This often aids you in uncovering 
sensitivities in others. Nobody in their right mind is going to marry you, 
so don't worry about it. You'll get under their skin just the same.

Mar. 21-Apr. 20 MOON PIE

You're most comfortable on the chair or swing on the front porch. Moon Pies 
are recognizable from their physical appearance. "Big" and "round" are the 
key words here, and they always have a soft center under that hard outer 
layer. You can be more colorful than others give you credit for. You should 
marry anyone you can get remotely interested in the idea. It's not going to 
be easy. This might be the year to think about aerobics. Then again...

Apr. 21-May 21 OPPOSSUM

When confronted with life's difficulties, you have the ability to withdraw 
and develop a "don't bother me" attitude. Sometimes you become so withdrawn 
people think you are dead. This strategy would not be pyschologically 
healthy for everyone, but it seems to work for you. One day, however, it 
won't work, and you may find your problems actually running you over. In 
relationships you are limited...see Aramdillo.

May 22-Jun. 21 CRAWFISH

Crawfish is a water sign. If you work in an office, you're always hanging 
around the water cooler. Crawfish prefer the beach to the mountains, the 
pool to the golf course, the spa to the living room. You tend not to be 
particularly attractive physically, but you have a very good head (though 
you are not a deep thinker). You love to party, but often leave feeling as 
if the life has been sucked out of you. You get along best with other 
crawfish, catfish, hush puppies, okra, and collards.

Jun. 22-Jul. 23 COLLARDS

Collards have a genius for communication. You love to get in the "melting 
pot" of life and share your essences with others around you. You make good 
social workers, psychologists, and baseball managers. You are the staple, 
but you need the spices that others bring. In relationships, avoid Moon 

Jul. 24-Aug. 23 CATFISH

Catfish are traditionalists in matters of the heart, but your wild hairs, or 
"whiskers", may cause problems for loved ones. Catfish are very deep--you 
prefer a muddy bottom to the clear surface of life. While some may think of 
you as a bottom feeder, this does not concern you--you know that someone has 
to do the dirty work! You are an adaptable survivor, equally comfortable in 
a pond, a stream, or the open water. Your thick skin allows you to shed most 
insults but--beware!--you can toss a barb or too.

Aug. 24-Sep. 23 GRITS

Very social yet xenophobic, your greatest desire is to be with others like 
yourself. You prefer to huddle in the company of a big crowd of other grits. 
You love to travel though, so you might consider joining a club. Where do 
you like to go? Any place where they have cheese or gravy or bacon or butter 
or eggs. If you can find all these things in one spot, you'll live in 
perfect hominy.

Sep. 24-Oct. 23 BOILED PEANUTS

Though you have a passionate desire to help your fellow man, those close to 
you may find your personality a bit too "salty." Their criticsm may hurt you 
deeply, as you are much softer than others in your family. You can marry 
anyone you like, because yours is a charmed existence--on the road of life, 
you can be sure that someone will always pull over and stop for you.

Oct. 24-Nov. 22 BUTTER BEANS

Great at a party, you get along well with everybody. You should be proud. 
You've matured on the vine of life and you feel at home no matter what the 
setting. While you are naturally gregarious, you can be a stinker, so be 
careful--you have the power to cause others to respond with a "gut feeling". 
If there is something in the air, they will think you probably caused it.

Nov. 23-Dec. 21 ARMADILLO

You have a tough exterior but are really quite gentle, even soft, on the 
inside, which may be why you often feel run over. A good evening for you 
involves the basics--a warm fire, some friends, fruit, and grub. You are 
"retro", unconcerned with trends and fashions. You're not about today--you 
are"retro", a walking fossil, almost prehistoric in appearance and behavior. 
You would get along best with another armadillo, but opposum is another 
(slightly kinky) mating possibility.

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