[CH] RC Cola the right way

Tee (traderbear@thehitchingpost.com)
Thu, 13 Jun 2002 17:20:08 -0400

>>On 13 Jun 2002 "Pieters, Rob (NL01)" <Rob.Pieters@honeywell.com> wrote:
Only one question from a Cheeshead... what is RC Cola?<<

Rob, it is a wise man who seeks enlightenment on fundamentals of life,
like RC Cola.

As already said by others, RC Cola is "coke"  -- in my neck of the south a
hunnert years ago, Coca Cola, Pepsi, RC Cola, and most other soft drinks were
all called "coke."   In some other parts, folks actually called them  soda
(like a goldurned Yankee, pardon me boys, for the luvapete).

You must understand something if you would know the essence of RC Cola.  You
can't just carelessly toss the name out.  You gotta roll the RC out slowly ,
like you got all the time in the world to say it and everbody else has all the
time in the world to wait for it to get said.   You say,  "Rrr-aahh Seee
Cola."  Don't go saying it fast now--make that R tell its tale.  To drink RC
like a Southerner -- and please, a little respect here for a fine southern
tradition -- you must first pour a bag of peanuts into the bottle.  Then you
slooowly sip and savor peanuts and coke at the same time.  Yessir.  That's the
way to do it.

I haven't had RC in years and years, but after seeing this thread, I had to
grab a small  bag of spicy peanuts at a quick store this afternoon ... had hot
lazy afternoons and coke & peanuts on my mind.
