To His Coy Pepper Plant with apologies to Andrew Marvell Had we but garden space, and time, This under-ripeness were no crime. You could leaf out, and think which way To ripen slowly through the day. Thou, in the sun's unending light, Should'st rubies grow; I by the side, Perspiring, would complain. I would love you before your first green pod, And you might choose to stay unripe, 'Til I post to the list to gripe. Capsaisinophilic love would grow, Vaster than empires, and more slow. An hundred years should go to praise Thy leaves, and on thy blossoms gaze. Two hundred to adore each shoot, Five hundred to ponder your root. For, lady, you deserve this praise, I'd love you still, through all my days. But at my back I always hear Frost's winged chariot drawing near; And in the kitchen, even still, No ripe pods do my vessels fill. Thy beauty shall no more be found, Nor, in they barren row will sound Thy rustling leaves, then worms will taste Thy still-green pods, now gone to waste. The compost heap's a nice warm place, But none, I think, go there for taste. Now therefore, while your youthful hue Of blooms glistens with morning dew, And while your bursting leaves transpire, And every pod fills up with fire, Now let you ripen while ye may So I may, in the kitchen, play And so at once your heat devour, Rather than wait these endless hours. As I harvest your vibrant gifts, My spirit to El Grande lifts. Thus, though we cannot stop the frost, Your hot perfection is not lost. Alex Silbajoris _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: