Re: [CH] Captain Rodney's???

bill jernigan (
Sun, 25 Aug 2002 19:32:10 -0400

At 02:35 PM 8/25/02 -0500, tucker wrote:

>   My Father-In-Law just sent me a link to a page of the "Bell Buckle
>Country Store" web site which has a bunch of Captain Rodney's products.
>   Anyone ever tried any of this stuff???

don't know cap't rodney or his products, but bell buckle is a historical 
site on your way from nashville to jack daniel's place down at the heart of tennessee walking horse country...

(when you get to fudgearound or bugscuffle, you'll know you're close...)

bill (just don't call it BELT buckle)...   <grin>

Coach: How's it going, Norm?
Norm:  Daddy's rich and Momma's good lookin'.
                 -- Cheers, Truce or Consequences