have a question about serranos. I grew two plants for the first time this year...tall and spindly... they were a bit that way when I bought them thought they were maybe a bit root bound. pinched the flowers back forever trying to get a stockier plant. Have that. well I have little green short serranos. I have ended up with red ones as I waited for them to get longer and fatter. So what's up with that? AND will a red one be hotter than a green one? Ialmost always see them in green. did a google image search and this one looks quite a bit like mine.... http//www.chetbacon.com/1999-peppers/ imput? I did get a few pictures now if I can just find the USB cable to transfer them to the computer and then figure out how to get them up an iphoto.... Really need to get Robin Williams OSX Mac book. --leslie with the new iMac in Louisville, Kentucky USDA 6abc depending on who you ask on what day.