[CH] chile para naranja

Jim Weller (jweller@ssimicro.com)
Fri, 6 Sep 2002 19:26:06 -0600

>> "chile para naranja"  [  ] "chile for orange."
>> It's a fine-ground orange-colored powder, with a slow burn and
> > a bit of actual orange flavor.  But I'm not sure whether I'm really
>> tasting  a citrus tang.
>> So what the heck is it used for?

> with the orange tones, I'm thinking fish.

And chicken.

I'm forever saving orange and lemon peels, drying them and grinding them
up in my coffee grinder dedicated to spices,  to add to my chile powder

> Or something in the range of 18-22 years old...

That's chicken, not chicks!

Jim in Yellowknife