RE: [CH] The Many Uses of Hot Sauce - For Knuckledraggers Only

Riley J. McIntire (
Tue, 10 Sep 2002 18:12:30 -0700

> My goodness, I privately emailed the original complainer,
> there were FOUR warnings NOT to click on that site if nudity was

Really!  TWO warnings and I might not have clicked.  But THREE?!  FOUR?
Apparently got the ones complainin clickin quick!  :-D  Amazes me.  "The
stove is hot.  Don't touch it if you don't wanna get burned!"

> Doug in BC still grinning, cause I wuz thinkin about Rael!!!

Doug, me too.  Second or third thing that cu...whoops, came to mind.

And it does look like Pace.  Which--and this is the only thing embarrassing
to me in this thread-personality defect, you think?--which, Pace that is,
does work ok in a pinch for a lowfat salad dressing.  For one reason or
another I have to avoid "slugs" of fat or oil, and find if nothing
suitable's at a restaurant for instance, that if they have salsa it makes a
great salad dressing.  You might say, uh, undressing, maybe.  oh kay!

Hot regards,
