Yes, indeed. If I may go off topic, I had the privilege of traveling to 42 countries on 5 continents on Uncle Sam's dime via the Navy. After seeing what the vast majority of the world has to live through, I must say that Voltaire had it right when he said: "I may disagree with what you say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." (or words to that effect, anyhow). Obviously, the post mentioned is not one that, given a perfect world, we'd choose to defend in this manner - it was pretty vulgar - but, that's not for any one individual to decide, eh? I'd MUCH rather have the problem of nasty content than deal with a lack thereof.... /rant B Doug Irvine <> wrote: >And to Sandy, Sue, Brent, Alex, Scott, Dave, and whomever else >intelligent chile heads I may have missed, is not personal choice the >freedom that was taken from all those people one year ago today? Their >choice to go home from work that day, and kiss their wives and kids or >husbands, girl friends, boy friends? And look at whatever they choose to >on line or elsewhere? And to ignore any warnings they may have had that >they should not do this or that? Is this not "personal freedom" which is >no longer theirs to exercise? It IS, thankfully, because we live where >we do in America, and no group of zealots, religious, political or >whatever have the right to remove our personal freedom, which includes >the right to click or not click on ANY link on line! End of sermon!! Now >OT, we will be having dinner a week today with another couple of chile >heads, Mr.& Mrs. Andy Barnhart at Waterton National Park, and I intend >taking a few of my home grown chiles along as well. Setting slow mail >from tomorrow AM until month end! Cheers, Doug in BC > __________________________________________________________________ The NEW Netscape 7.0 browser is now available. Upgrade now! Get your own FREE, personal Netscape Mail account today at