THESE SAUCES ARE TOO HOT TO HANDLE AT FAIR By Linda K. Wertheimer The Dallas Morning News, 27 September 2002 Dianne Harris had hoped to make them laugh at the State Fair of Texas with her "Bomb Laden Mad Blast Habanero Hot Sauce". The owner of Hot Sauce Harry's draped the cap of a bottle of sauce with a handcrafted turban and put a handcrafted caricature of Osama bin Laden on the label. But the Texas Department of Agriculture isn't laughing. On Thursday, Allen Spelce, an assistant commissioner, banned the hot sauce and four others by the same Dallas vendor from a Food and Fiber Pavilion display. "If it was tastefully done, it wouldn't be banned," he said. "It won't hurt our business," Mrs. Harris said. "People will laugh." The other banned sauces: Flippin' The Bird, EnWRong Shredded Sauce, Dynamite Hot Sauce and Hot Lips Hot Love Sauce.