danceswithcarp (
Thu, 03 Oct 2002 21:17:56 -0500

At 07:08 AM 10/3/02 -0400, Russell Spanard wrote:
>I think we've all selectively blocked it out of our conscious memories....

Not to start a flame-war, but it wasn't *that* hot.   Eating horseradish 
gives a 5 second (maybe) sinus burn on the first taste and it disappears on 
the second.  A few kernels of hab powder just isn't a lot of heat.  I added 
in the purira and broke a slight sweat.  But I'm overweight and retain 
water so when I'm outside just the effort of chewing can cause that.

Come on Chile Heads, never cry "foul."   It makes normal people think we 
are weak.  And who knows who monitors this list for security breeches like 
Alex and the monitor ristra?

"That which does not kill us makes us stranger."
