Hello Chileheads, Weather sucks here in Holland but the plants are doing well so far. At Open Fields Vic made these delicious rice balls. I loved those! Can I (we) please have the recipe? Dan, did the interview air yet if at all? I can't remember who made it (SORRY!) but someone made Gatta(?!) It was pretty good. Recipe, please? Know what? Why don't we put up a list with everything we ate that evening and call it the OpenFields 2002 menu and pass it around? I tried so much delicious stuff, too wussy for the horseradish though, and I would love to try and make it at home. CHALLENGE! Rael, did you finish your thesis? Chad, chased any good storms lately? Bob, how's the knee? Leslie, how are you? And to everyone else, what's up? Hope to see you again soon... Miss Dewi CH#2192 Mystic Order of Capsicum Rogues #021 http://www.chilechick.tmfweb.nl