A request for help here. Some time ago, I had a book written by a man who had not achieved success with conventional medical techniques for his heart condition. He developed an herbal formula which included cayenne, hawthorn, ginger, garlic and I think, a few other things. I gave the book away to someone who needed it at the time and now need a copy for myself. He also had a company which sold his formula, but he gave it out in the book so readers could make it themselves. Remember MDs are only practicing medicine, one day they may perfect it {:-) Blue skies, Frank -----Original Message----- From: owner-chile-heads@globalgarden.com [mailto:owner-chile-heads@globalgarden.com]On Behalf Of Karen Oland Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 11:19 AM To: Chile-Heads@globalgarden.com Subject: RE: [CH] Medical question. Actually, there is a number of papers that have been published documenting the usefullness of chile peppers -- effects on the blood, use in pain control, controlling ulcers, etc. They are high in several vitamins (although, truthfully, how much can you eat for this purpose?) and various other compounds. Just because the AMA hasn't approved it doesn't mean that it doesn't work. Nor would anyone use such an aid as a cure for an acute condition (such as seen in an ICU ward) -- at that point, stronger measures are required, that would not have been if the person had taken better care of his/her body. Of course, preventative care is only given lip service by traditional doctors. Truly, if everyone took excellent care of themselves, most doctors would need to find another profession. Especially in the cardiac area. I've seen the same with the information handed out to new diabetics -- the steps required to truly bring their disease under control are skipped over or left out and just taking their medication is pushed as the solution. No, most will never get off meds, but many eat however they want and think all carbs are the same, meanwhile damaging more internal organs from spiking blood sugar levels. Perhaps most Americans are too stupid to learn how to eat, but for the few that are smart enough, the proper information should be presented. Those that ignore the advice and rules can just as easily ignore proper advice as the skimpy information they are given now. > michael king wrote: > > QUACK<QUACK!!!!!