Re: [CH] Re: die of cancer

Doug Irvine (
Tue, 10 Dec 2002 18:01:01 -0800

Alex Silbajoris wrote:
>> From: "Inagaddadavida" <>
>> Life.  Why worry about that you can't control?
> A one-liner I've seen around lately:
> All those health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, laying in a 
> hospital bed, dying of nothing.
> I haven't followed that link, but I suspect there would be a lot of 
> people dying of gall bladder cancer in the chile-eating parts of the 
> world if that claim were true.
> - A
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YUP.....they is the reelatives of all those poooor folk, who have died 
of stomach India, China, Mexico, and specially in Thailand 
from eatin all those Hot Bad fer ya, chiles...YUP they shore is!! OLD 
Doug in BC