Re: [CH] We are all going to die of cancer (this week)

AndyB (
Wed, 11 Dec 2002 13:01:44 -0500

Considering all of the health warnings I've heard over the years,
I've concluded that:

    Living is hazardous to your health.


Inagaddadavida wrote:
> On Tuesday, December 10, 2002, at 01:58  PM, Mike Shimek wrote:
> > Check out this article linking chile peppers to gallbladder cancer. I
> > am
> > running out of things to eat. Fast.
> >
> >
> > 20021209/hl_n
> > m/cancer_gallbladder_dc
> >
> Good.  that means prices will go down and I can purchase chiles and
> related items really cheap.
> Bad. Chile growers/producers will get crap for the efforts.
> Do I believe it? Nah.  I know of health nuts who croak at 40 and I know
> a man who's smoked since 12, eats bacon (2 strips), eggs (2), and grits
> (w/butter <--real deal) each morning for breakfast ('cept Sat when he
> makes flapjacks) and is healthy as a horse (no boose tho...hmmmm).
> Life.  Why worry about that you can't control?  I think I'll make a
> pie.  Chile pumpkin mebbe...peach (canned...blah) cream
> pie!...pecan/coconut/aji crust with...banana cream? damn, that's an
> idea....
> Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles.......
> Rael64
> Monk of the TCS
> Master of Twister
> Mystic Order of Capsicum Rogues