Re: [CH] Two matters

Cuchulain Libby (
Thu, 19 Dec 2002 19:54:13 -0600

From: "danceswithcarp" <>
Subject: Re: [CH] Two matters

> But ALL of us have rights.   And we ALL subscribed to a list about
> chile-peppers and not some list about inane political comments from people
> whom we don't know who never seem to post about chiles.

Now you're posting!
My little pepper patch consisted of jalepenos, serranos and a bell that
snuck in the flat of 6 jalepenos but never really made it. Grew tall but
only gave up three anemic fruits. I live in San Antonio and have a
decent-sized yard as subdivisions go and so also have a few wild Pequin
bushes that thrive under a system of benign neglect. In the same bed with my
peppers are some herbs, one of which is a fungus-infected basil which seems
to have spread to my peppers (or just a bad bed) so it looks like I'll have
to kill the other mint-taken-over bed and grow peppers in that bed come next
Spring. Laid in a goodly supply of dried peppers to hold me over the winter.
Next time I'm gonna make the pickled mash recipes I saved from this list.
