"J. Stefanovich" wrote: > Hello folks, > I discovered this fine list not too long ago. Well then welcome aboard. It's a little more turbulent here lately than you'll generally find it to be; though I understand far less so than many online communities. Give it time and things will undoubtedly go back to normal... (That's a good thing, right??) > I am wondering if there are members who like to trade seeds in order to try new varieties. Is there some mechanism set up somewhere to do this, or could we simply post what we have to the list? Sure, happens all the time. If you feel so inclined, post a list of what you have to trade, and what you desire, and people should start to bargain with you. I have a few that I could send your way, if they are anything that peaks your interest. Though all my stuff is open pollinated, so you gotta' be a gamblin' man... And anyone who plants anything must have a touch of the gambler in 'em, right? > Spring's not that far away! You only think that because you're in Albuquerque. Come visit us here in WI! We're on a whole 'nother planet than Spring at the moment; many light-years away... so far, you can't even see it from here... > Cheers. > > Joe/Albuquerque -- Erich C-H # 2099 Spring?!?!?!? I dunno, I burned all the calendars to ward off the frostbite...