Re: Belize [Re: [CH] Habanero Pronunciation]

AndyB (
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 20:10:44 -0500


I have also been pronouncing the "h".  However, from the dictionary of Epicurious:

           habanero chile     [ah-bah-NEH-roh] 
    vs.    jalapeņo chile    [hah-lah-PEH-nyoh]

Just like the British who "ardly pronounce the aitch".


Tucker wrote:
> Brent Thompson wrote:
> > The truth re habanero was told long ago in post #2 or #3 or so (except of
> > course the silent 'h' part, first mentioned just 10 or 20 posts ago),
> >
> >  ---   Brent
>   I saw that, but after all the recent silliness, I just thought it was a
> smart-assed remark on someone's part.
>   I've never heard anyone, EVER, NOT pronounce the "H".
>   Is it really supposed to be silent; and I've just never heard it spoken
> properly?!?!?
>   The smart-ass theory seems infinitely more plausible.
> --
> Erich
> C-H # 2099
> Silver Glen American Shorthairs