Re: [CH] Peoposed FAQ questions

Dave Drum (
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 23:39:25 -0600

At 11:36 PM 1/13/2003 -0500, AndyB wrote:

>Dave Drum wrote:
> >> * What is the difference between "chile" and "chili" ?
> >
> > "# What is the difference between "chili" and "chilli" ? <GGG>
>A nubie/duh question
>   What's the difference between chilli and chilly ?  <BG>

Chilli is that wonderful meat and chile and other spices stew known as a 
bowl of red which, when properly spicy and eaten with gusto keeps one from 
becoming chilly....

Chilli, btw, is the preferred spelling in all English speaking countries 
_except_ America. And the chilli spelling is the proper way to spell it in 
Illinois by edict of the State Legislature (politicians finally got one 
right  B^)=  ).


Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen
Home of Hardin Cider & Yaaaaa Hoooo Ahhhhh Hot Sauce!!!