Re: [CH] Hey Paul

Doug Irvine (
Sun, 02 Feb 2003 18:59:17 -0800

Yep....and besides, they are a lot more fun! After all one would require 
a little "legal" participation in that game! right, mon? Howja all think 
we ended up with SEVEN? kids, that is!! Remeber a sister in a Catholic 
hospital in Ottawa, when Marie had our 5th....she asked Marie which 
parish she belonged to..then looked at the chart and saw that she was 
talkin to a PROTESTANT!!!! WOW! She just rurned and walked away:-) 
Carless protestants! Har! And we had two more after him! At least half 
of them are chile heads!Cheers, Doug in BC

VoodooChile wrote:
> On Sunday, February 2, 2003, at 05:43  PM, The NorthEast ChileMan wrote:
>> L.B.,
>>  I have 35mm slides my dad took of me & my sister nekid at the beach in
>> Newburyport, MA, that's the only way I knew about me being nekid in public
>> (cool your heels Rael, these are *baby* pictures & as twisted as I 
>> know you
>> are, I know your not **sick**.)
> hey, *you're* the one with the pics, man. But don't digitize them and 
> store the Big Bad Fuzz would probably bust you anyway...
> (no, I prefer my nubiles of Legal age, thankyouverymuch)
> Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles.......
> Rael64
> "Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do."
>                              - Bertrand Russell -