Re: [CH] Please help I.D this pepper

Love2Troll (
Thu, 6 Feb 2003 15:34:35 -0600

I think is definitely a C. pubescens.  But what to call it?  Depending on country of origin it could have several local names including Rocoto.  Only grown 3 varieties of "Rocoto" myself and the fruit shape is not the same as any of those.    Other C. pubescens local names include Locoto, Locota, Locotito, Chile de caballo & Aji picante. 

The closest description that I can find is this one on the USDA site:    Click on Observations.  Sorry, no picture.

I've seen a similar picture to yours before.  Can't remember where.  Doesn't show up on Reinhard Kraft's site or Reimer Seeds.   Don't think it is on UK Chile-Head database either. 

But hey, you have one of the best tasting varieties on this earth.  (IMHO)  Thick flesh, great taste & to some of us one of the hottest peppers ever (due to the unique capsaicins in this species).   

This year I will be growing C. pubescens varieties from Bolivia, Peru, Guatemala, Costa Rica & Ecuador.   (thanks mostly to PaulK)  



----- Original Message ----- 
From: Mark Ellis - 
To: Chile-Heads-Digest 
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 12:52 AM
Subject: [CH] Please help I.D this pepper

G'day All,

I need some help identifying this pepper. I picked it up at as a seedling
at a flea market here in Melbourne/Oz.

Mark E. in OZ