It may or may not not be the one that was referred to a couple of digests back, but I have had (what I consider) much success with the following recipe. I lost the by line header along the way, so I apologize to whomever ought to reap the credit. Ingredients: 3 cups chopped carrots 2 onions, chopped 3 cups lime juice 6 cloves garlic, minced or 1 1/2 tsp. prepared garlic 4 tsp. salt (way too much in my opinion, but you decide for yourself - ph) splash of vinegar 24 chopped habaneros (I've also used rocotos with nearly as much success, I imagine just about any peppers that you happen to like would taste good in this - ph) 1. Combine all the ingredients, except for habaneros, in a suacepan and bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes or until the carrots are soft. 2. PLace all the ingredients (including habs) in a blender or processor and puree until smooth. Strain for smoother sauce (I wouldn't, but that's up to you) 3. Pour in sterilized jars and process in your normal way, or refrigerate. (I find that this keeps in the fridge more or less indefinitely - or until consumed - without any special canning precautions and suspect that it would do OK left out on the table. Plenty of lime acidity, though basically a sweet taste - ph) Makes 7-8 8 oz. jars Again, thanks to whoever actually came up with this. Peter Hirsch professional longtime lurker