> Date: Sun, 09 Feb 2003 09:55:13 -0800 > From: Scott Peterson <scottp4@mindspring.com> If I only got a 100 emails, sigh! 1447 tonight. Don't suggest a mail filter and I don't use a POP3 account, spamcop is near useless for this type. > That problem is that the FROM address is almost always forged > to a non-existent address or that of someone the spammer is > mad at. So when you "bounce" the mail, at best, you're > sending out mail that can never be delivered, at worst, > you're helping to mailbomb an innocent person. It just makes users feel better. Ignorance is bliss. In my case this idiot is using open relays and forging headers and I get the bounced mail. <newton71@yoda.alt.za> Seems I must have made him angry sometime. ;-) Anyone with some useful tools that would like to help nail this clown. An email address or user name would be most useful. This is the website address used http://route.useful-2u.com/rl.html Uses a form "post" with some interesting script. Yes AT&T Canada, the Spammers home Regards Peter My apology for the OT post but desperation..... -- Peter Moss After one hundred and fifty years and many thousands of firearms control laws to reduce crime the list of successes should be long and illustrious. Where is the list? The information in this e-mail is confidential and is legally privileged.