Hi Matt, Only 200? Wait untill your Chile Pepper Seed Package arrives, you may have to modify that number. Major Snippage from your post: At any rate, if anyone has experience with this type of planting or if y'all have any other suggestions to maximize space in my garden, I would be most grateful. Thanks again. I've been using Mel Bartholomew's *Square Foot Gardening* for years. The basic premise is: More Plants=More Fruit. The traditional rows separated by 3' with 2' spacing between plants in row is great for allowing sunlight to reach individual leaves which allows each plant to reach it's highest fruitset potential per plant. Mel's method is to "stuff" more plants in a given area & you will get more fruit from less area because you have more plants. Below are a bunch of websites, & there are more: http://members.primary.net/~silvest/garden/sqft.html http://www.squarefootgardening.com/ http://www.aristotle.net/~shicks/sqft/ http://www.farmerbrown.org/sqft.html http://www.suite101.com/course.cfm/16723/seminar http://journeytoforever.org/garden_sqft.html http://cac.uvi.edu/staff/rc3/garden/sqft.html http://forums.gardenweb.com/forums/sqfoot/ If that's not enough, Mel has a few books: http://half.ebay.com/cat/buy/prod.cgi?cpid=247267&ad=58182 http://half.ebay.com/cat/buy/prod.cgi?cpid=3228578&meta_id=1 http://half.ebay.com/cat/buy/prod.cgi?cpid=257622&meta_id=1 http://half.ebay.com/cat/buy/prod.cgi?cpid=3316548&meta_id=1 I totally agree with Nels in the raised bed & drip tape under plastic mulch method. When your working with a four foot wide raised bed that has 1 plant per square foot, trying to weed is tough & water reaching soil because of so many plants reduced. If you have any more questions about my specific methods, feel free to ask! Yours in heat, Paul